Yoga: The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

metairie-yoga-warrior-oaktreeYoga cultivates strength, wisdom, and the ability to discern truth from confusion – all attributes of a skilled Peaceful Warrior. Even Warrior Pose comes up in myriad forms during an asana practice.

As your yoga practice extends into every aspect of your life, you find yourself becoming stronger and yet more receptive; making choices which benefit both you and the greater good.

Personally, I have witnessed an incredible shift in my own self; changing patterns that were not serving me and re-creating myself as who I want to be.

I share the following with you because these inspired words came to me this morning, and I think you may see yourself reflected in them.

Purnatva: A Yogic View On Perfection

ArdhaM01In the minds of most people, perfection is an unachievable yet oft reached for thing, yet with this perspective that I learned from Anusara® yoga, stress and anxiety can melt as you shift your perspective.

You hear the term ‘perfectionist’ and it conjures images of someone who is constantly striving for every little detail to be ‘just right’, and quite possibly affecting innocent bystanders (family members, friends) with their slightly neurotic behavior.

Sound like someone you know? Maybe you?

This idea of inaccessible perfection tends to cause a lot of unneeded pressure and worry.

But there is a different way to think of perfection.

The Power Of Blessing Your Food

salad02When you think about blessings, what comes to mind?

A kind thought or word? A gracious gift from the universe? A friend or loved one?

Blessings come in myriad forms, yet the ones that YOU spark are so special. Positive thought has been proven again and again to have profound impact on every level. By using blessings (or prayer if that word resonates with you) you tap into a bigger energy and amplify your own intention for higher results.

One of the ways I use the power of blessings every day is with food. By being grateful and blessing your meal before you eat it the food’s vibrations are raised.

Karma Yoga: What You Can Do To Help Haiti

heartThe devastation Haiti has experienced, this latest time with a massive earthquake, moves the heart to want to contribute something, anything, to help. It is this response of deep caring and compassion that makes us human.

Because it is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and doesn’t have the kind of infrastructure necessary to deal with what has happened, monetary donations are very needed.

However, money isn’t the only thing you can send them. Blessings, prayers, and healing light are incredibly powerful and can do so much to shift the energy of that part of the earth into harmony.

Below this short video is a simple meditation you can do to shine light and love into the heart of Haiti.

The Anusara Yoga Invocation: An Exploration

lotus-yogaWhen you unfold the treasure of the mantra that has become known as the Anusara Yoga Invocation, you see within it the philosophy that informs freedom and awakening which is the reason hundreds of thousands of people have been drawn to this path of celebrating and refining the self.

This mantra is the first part of the Niralambaya Upanishad.

Anusara yoga has its roots deep in the soil of ancient tradition. The chant itself is very old, and carries with it a resonance of powerful wisdom and transformation. Yet, while this school of hatha yoga joyfully honors that which has comes before, it also opens up to the unlimited possibilities of evolution.

One of the many strengths of Anusara yoga is its innovative spirit. There are Universal Principles of Alignment, which guide both the thought and action of the yoga. Using these guiding principles, you can do anything! Invention happens daily. Creative expression and beauty are a part of every practice, on and off the mat.

So let’s take a look at how a relatively short little song can describe an entire system of thought and practice.

Ahhh… Savasana.

savasana-yoga-poseAh, the yoga bliss of savasana. Sometimes at the beginning of class I ask if anyone has a request. One of the most frequent is “Savasana please!” followed by a big grin.

Savasana literally translates as corpse pose, and signifies the end of the practice and a time of transition. It is one of the most difficult yoga poses to do fully. Why?

Well, because totally relaxing and yet staying fully present is not something most of us know how to do. Yet this pose is one of the most beneficial, so it’s worth giving the practice of mindful relaxation your best… ‘er… effort. 🙂

Healthy Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Okay. I admit it. Sometimes my will power is a bit weak. I’m working on it.

It’s funny because I wake up with a green smoothie every morning, I eat a salad nearly every day, and I don’t really drink anything other than water and herbal teas. But then I get around bread or cookies, and my discipline evaporates. Do you have this issue? It can’t just be me – leave a comment below and let me know what your food delights are so I feel like I’m in good company, eh?

Are bread and cookies terrible things that should be avoided at all costs? No, of course not. But is it really in my best interest to eat as much of them as I have over the last month? Well…

Yoga and Working Out

core-strength-exercies-one-leg-plankWow! It’s amazing how much better I feel when I’m consistently working out and spicing up my yoga practice with challenging asana. How is it that I’ve let myself fall out of routine so many times through my life, I wonder?

Do you find this same thing true for you? Our bodies crave activity, and reward us by looking and feeling better when we take care of ourselves. Yet often the whole working out thing seems to go in spurts of dedication and neglect…

But it’s a New Year now, which is good for working out in a lot of ways. We not only have the motivation of all the delicious, extravagant meals and other treats over the holidays, we also have the tantalizing promise of a ‘New You’.

That idea of re-creating yourself is very important and totally real. Every year, every day, and every moment you get to choose who you want to be. Which means no matter how many times you’ve fallen off track, you have another chance to step up to where you want to be.

Why Green Smoothies Are So Healing

lettuceGreen smoothies are one of the very best choices you can make for a healthy diet. They’re growing in popularity faster than people can tweet about them, and I wouldn’t miss my morning green smoothie because of how much my body loves it.

“You want me to drink kale?” This is what goes through some people’s mind the first time they’re introduced to green smoothies. You know the face children make when they don’t want to eat something? I’ve watched that look come across the faces of people before they try it.

But then they give it a shot, and lo and behold, it tastes good! Better yet, it FEELS great! Your body says, “Oh yeah, that’s what I want.”

Why is that? Well, green leafy veggies are one of the most healing foods nature provides. They lower the acidity in the body and help your system restore balance with that all powerful substance: chlorophyll.

Plus they’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more.