Yoga Radio: Shaman’s Wisdom with Tony Samara

In this episode of Yoga Radio with Katrina Ariel:

Have you noticed yourself opening up to new ideas because of your yoga practice or other things that have happened recently in your life? Have you heard of shamanism or had any experience with shamanism?

My guest, Tony Samara, is a kind, wise, and internationally celebrated spiritual teacher who will be speaking about shamanism and the simple yet profound message it holds for us. Tony has written four books, including the new eBook, Shaman’s Wisdom.

In the show we address some of the most pressing concerns we’re facing today, and some of the ways we can shift ourselves to heal or dissolve those problems.

I especially enjoyed this conversation because many people don’t realize how many similarities shamanism and yoga share, so it is fun to gain insight from Tony’s vision and experience. Be sure to tune in for this one!

Click below to listen to the show. Feel free to share. 😉

Yoga Radio: Shaman’s Wisdom with Tony Samara
Recorded LIVE on April 5, 2012.

Guest Bio:

Tony Samara, author of ‘Shaman’s Wisdom,’ ‘From the Heart,’ ‘Different Yet the Same,’ and ‘Deeper than Words’ was born in England, grew up in Egypt and also in Norway where he discovered the “Zen Buddhist philosophy”.

Tony Samara

This discovery eventually led him to the “Mount Baldy Zen Center in California, USA” where he learned the spiritual teachings of “Kyozan Joshu Sasaki.” He had curiosity to explore further the essence of spirituality and thus went to live and learn with shamanic communities around the globe including a period of time spent with some highly influential shamans in the Amazon River region and the Andes Mountains.

Now people from all over the world visit Tony Samara to take spiritual guidance and experience being in his presence. His main countries of activity are in Europe yet with the assistance of the Internet is attracting a Global audience through frequent online interviews and live satsangs.

His function is as a Spiritual Teacher who encourages all to lead their lives actively in a noble way in order to realize the evolution of human consciousness. Tony Samara is a mirror of what is possible, a shining reminder of the continuous possibility of being human.

You can learn more about Tony at, and order his books including Shaman’s Wisdom on

Walk between worlds in my book, Yoga for Dragon Riders. Click here to explore the website where you can download the first 2 chapters of my book, and get 2 free yoga practice videos. 🙂

How to Get Focus and STAY Focused

Being focused is the number one way to get where you want to go, but sometimes this can be a real challenge to maintain. Distraction, discouragement, and delays (along with other obstacles) tend to get in the way and before you know it the focus you had dissolves into nothing.

So this article is all about getting focused and STAYING focused, even when life does its best to throw you off track.

First of all, what is your focus?

What is your number one priority right now?

You’ve probably heard this everywhere, but one of the essential keys of being focused is knowing what your focus is. That means writing down your goals, intentions, or dreams, and having a specific plan to make them happen.

Do you have an overarching theme such as a one year goal, or even a five year goal?

This is a great thing to have as it helps you remember the bigger picture of how you are choosing to direct your life. This is especially important to remember when you’re caught up in smaller goals that get you there, but perhaps aren’t as attractive or glorious.

What is your primary purpose for the big picture of your life?

If you don’t know, take

Yoga Radio: Going Deep into Yoga with Desireé Rumbaugh

Desiree Rumbaugh

In this episode of Yoga Radio with Katrina Ariel:

Have you ever seen someone in a crazy pretzel yoga pose and wondered how they do that? Or perhaps you seek inspiration in different ways, like wanting to get the most from a simple practice in yoga and go deep into how it can translate to supporting you off the mat.

My guest, Desireé Rumbaugh, is a world renowned yoga instructor who can not only get into those crazy-awesome advanced poses, but is well known for her light-hearted approach to bringing the depths of yoga to anyone, no matter what their level of practice.

I really enjoyed this conversation, especially the “Love is Stronger than Fear” message she brings so clearly to us. We got into talking about Avatar too… Des and I both loved aspects of that movie and how much it reflects some of the fundamental elements of yoga. Get ready for a fun discussion with this incredible woman!

Click below to listen to the show. Feel free to share. 😉

Yoga Radio: Going Deep into Yoga with Desireé Rumbaugh
Recorded LIVE on March 29, 2012.

Guest Bio:

Photo from, photographer Jack H. Davis

Desireé Rumbaugh is an internationally recognized yoga instructor who has inspired people on and off the mat through her classes and workshops, as well as articles in publications like Yoga Journal.

She excels in leading people into deeper, advanced poses, yet she also guides many yoga therapy courses which are focused on shifting the patterns of pain into a state of ease and freedom.

Her Yoga to the Rescue DVD’s present yoga from a therapeutic perspective that you can do at home, and you can find the Yoga to the Rescue DVD’s on, as well as more info on Desiree including her workshop schedule at her website

Dive deeper into your practice and understanding of yoga with my book, Yoga for Dragon Riders. Click to explore the website where you can download the first 2 chapters and get free yoga videos. 🙂

Recipe for Greatness (Inspired by Jim Rohn)

Hello! Here’s some inspiration for the day…

Dance outside your comfort zone. Every single day!


Recipe for Greatness

(This is my own wording, modeled after the Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle, by Jim Rohn)

1 part Philosophy: Take everything you know, assimilate it, and discern what works and what doesn’t. Live the wisdom that resonates.

1 part Attitude: Use your emotions to empower yourself.

1 part Activity: Do the important things, every single day, in balance and integrity. Have a plan and follow through.

1 part Results: We attract what we become. Who are you choosing to be?

1 part Lifestyle: What are you creating for yourself? Live a unique and fulfilling life, and enjoy doing so!

“It’s easy to be successful. It’s also easy NOT to.”
–Jim Rohn

It’s your life. Make it what you want it to be.

Carpe Diem!

Yoga Radio: Yoga for Headaches, Shoulder, Neck, Wrist and Back Pain

In this episode of Yoga Radio with Katrina Ariel:

Do you spend a lot of time sitting at a computer or desk?

Some of the most common complaints people have with pain happen because of hours spent sitting and working in less-than-optimal alignment.

In this show we’ll take a therapeutic perspective and talk about different problems we tend to run into when working at a desk or computer such as shoulder and neck tension, headaches, back pain and wrist problems. And, of course, I’ll give many suggestions of how yoga can help you find relief and freedom if you’re experiencing any of these very common issues.

Click below to listen to the show. Feel free to share. 😉

Yoga Radio: Yoga for Headaches, Shoulder, Neck, Wrist and Back Pain
Recorded LIVE on March 15, 2012.

Core yoga practice at Swan River studio in one of the places I call home, New Orleans.


Here is the meditation at the end of this Yoga Radio show:

Yoga Radio: Yoga for Dragon Riders – Making Your Practice an Adventure

In this episode of Yoga Radio with Katrina Ariel:

Do you wish life had more magic to it? Have you been on an epic journey of transformation lately?

It seems that most people have been riding the waves of life, sometimes with flow and sometimes barely treading water. I know, I’ve been there too. And I’ve written a book to help guide you through the ocean of alchemy!

My book, Yoga for Dragon Riders, has just been released and I’m going to take you through some highlights of this magnificent adventure in yoga.

Why Dragon Riders? Well, Dragons have incredible transformative powers, and becoming a Dragon Rider is a wonderful metaphor for merging the Universal and Individual, which is what yoga is all about.

Listen in to readings from the book where you’ll find out more about this enormously creative book and how it can inspire and guide you to surf the waves of life with more joy and skill than ever before.

Click below to listen to the show. Feel free to share. 😉

Yoga Radio: Yoga for Dragon Riders – Making Your Practice an Adventure
Recorded LIVE on March 22, 2012.

Click here to order the book: Yoga for Dragon Riders. You can also download the first 2 chapters and get free yoga videos. 🙂

The Book: Yoga for Dragon Riders

Are you ready? It’s here!!!

For those of you who have been waiting and just want to get your hands on a copy of Yoga for Dragon Riders NOW, wait no longer. Here’s the direct link to buy the book:

Buy the book: Yoga for Dragon Riders

Yoga for Dragon Riders is a transformational ROAR!”

~ Elizabeth Beeds, publisher of Interior Wellness Magazine

“This book contains a wealth of illustrated, excellent, specific suggestions for all who are interested in yoga on and off the mat.”

~ Christine Ewy, accomplished author and educator

What’s in it? Well…

Inside Yoga for Dragon Riders you’ll find:

– Yoga Asana Practices (plus key poses and alignment)
– Yoga Philosophy
– Meditation (and many visualizations)
– Pranayama (breathing practices)
– Mantra (the power of sound and vibration)
– Sacred Texts (including a synopsis of The Bhagavad Gita and an exploration of many of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras from a Tantric perspective)
– Energy and Light Healing Techniques
– Messages from the Akashic Records

And much more – all with the theme of becoming a Dragon Rider, which invites you to step fully into your power and purpose, guided by love and wisdom.

This book is full of real ways to access your limitless self.

And to me it’s really important that you feel freedom to find your own path. Yoga for Dragon Riders offers many, many practices so that you can choose the ones that are right for you – almost like a choose your own adventure book as you are taken on a journey of nine initiations.

Why initiations? Because the journey of incorporating all of these different ideas and practices into your life takes time and integration, and it’s best to layer things so you can learn more quickly and completely. You step over an inner threshold as you begin each practice, coming more fully into balanced power informed by love and wisdom.

The Map:

Returning to Wholeness

We seek ourselves. Our true selves. This is the freedom every heart desires and this is the path of yoga.

Where is this freedom to be found? Is it waiting for us to accomplish a certain task or to have specific things lined up in our lives? No.

Wholeness is here, in the present, holding you. Always.

When we get caught up in past and future, in the pushing and pulling of what we think we need or what we want in order to be happy, we forget that what we’re looking for is right before us.

Happiness is a choice. Peace is a state of being that can be found in any moment.

Acceptance and full presence allow us to surrender all the things that get in the way and move into the whole, healed state of who we truly are.

Yoga invites you to remember who you are, and to step fully into the whole, true, authentic Self. Freedom awaits. All you need to do is turn towards it and recognize yourself within it.

Part of living

Yoga Radio: Breathing Freedom ~ The Power of Your Breath

In this episode of Yoga Radio with Katrina Ariel:

What happens if you sit up tall and take a deep breath?

How does the way you feel change?

Is there a difference even in the way you look at the world, or yourself?

In this Yoga Radio show we’ll be talking about the power of your breath and how each inhale and exhale can effect your health and overall wellbeing. You’ll learn ways to dance with your breath and use pranayama (breathing practices) and different techniques to move energy that can help you access the clarity and freedom we each desire.

Click below to listen to the show. Feel free to share. 😉

Yoga Radio: Breathing Freedom – The Power of Your Breath
Recorded LIVE on the VoiceAmerica network March 8, 2012.

This beautiful image and meditative poem are from my Doses of Delight Art and Meditation Set.

Breath Meditation from the end of this Yoga Radio show:

This meditation invites you into the space between your breath. By focusing on the gaps where your inhale turns into the exhale and the exhale turns into the inhale, you may find yourself also entering the gaps between your thoughts. Even if that’s not the case, it doesn’t really matter. Just see what your experience is, knowing that just the practice of sitting and breathing in a relaxed and mindful manner has so many benefits!

Invite your posture to become more beautiful and spacious…
Receive your breath by simply expanding and letting it enter you more deeply and joyfully…

Isn’t it amazing how something that subtle can feel that good?

In this short practice, you are given the opportunity to observe the space between your breaths, and how entering into that awareness can shift your state in a profound way!

The Space Between the Breath

Sit beautifully, settling into your hips and lifting up through your spine.

Take a few moments to simply observe your natural breath, noticing how your ribs expand and your heart rides upon the rise and fall of your diaphragm.

Think of your breath as a gift you receive as you open from the inside, allowing its waves of life energy to cycle through your body and being.

Once you are more in tune with the natural pulsation of your breath, begin to pay particular attention to the space between each inhale and exhale.

You don’t need to direct your breath at all, but just by focusing on these gaps you may notice that they become broader and more accessible.

Continue to feel and watch the top of each inhale and the bottom of each exhale.
What effect does this have on your mind and emotions…

How does it feel physically to focus on these spaces of transition?

Ride the waves of your breath as long as you’d like, enjoying the spaces in between.

Whatever your practice of pranayama, may it be a blessing of joy and peace that leads you further into the heart where all things become one.

Enjoy the meditations and dance with your breath in the book Yoga for Dragon Riders. Click here to explore the website where you can download the first 2 chapters and get 2 free yoga practice videos. 🙂

The free Yoga for Dragon Riders videos include one Deep Healing Yoga class and one more vigorous Align and Flow Yoga class.

So Close!!! A Sneak-Peak at the Cover of Yoga for Dragon Riders

Wow! Yoga for Dragon Riders is almost ready to publish!

Who knew self-publishing a book would be so much fun… And so much work!

Good thing I love what I do.

For those of you who have been asking me “When’s the book going to be ready?” the answer is, very soon! I hope to actually have the print version of the book ready on my original release date of March 21st. (I had to pick Spring Equinox ’cause that’s how I roll).

The layout is in it’s final, last-minute polishing. The cover is DONE!

All I have to do is send it to the production house and have them get it ready to print, up on their website for purchase, and ready.

I love that Yoga for Dragon Riders is coming out for Spring, because it offers so many practices for self-growth and transformation, which is what Spring is about.

Anyway, I promised you a sneak-peak at the cover so…

Here it is!