To get the most out of your Yoga Boot Camp experience, it’s essential that you eat immediately after class.
Not 30 minutes later, not “Oh, I’ll just go home and make myself a meal” – bring your shake with you. Your body needs the nourishment right away.
Yoga Boot Camp is about empowering yourself and strengthening your body.
Boot Camp is early, I am sure you know, and that’s awesome. Exercising first thing in the morning is an incredible way to get in shape fast. But, if you don’t eat right after class you could be working out for nothing, and that’s no good.
Seriously, if you’re not eating till lunch, you can kiss good by any results you hope to achieve.
Skipping meals or not eating after workouts trains your body to go into starvation mode and hang on to fat. You don’t want this. After a while, your metabolism will slow down. This is why the American Dietetic Association calls breakfast the most important meal of the day.
After boot camp your body is thirsty for nutrients; you have just completed an incredibly effective workout and all your fat and carb fuel sources will be used up.
The only thing left to keep you going is muscle, and if your body starts to burn muscle as energy that’s not going to help you achieve the body that boot camp brings.