Feeling Naked in the Ocean of Alchemy

Parivrtta Trikonasana

I’ve never been comfortable with the feeling of being vulnerable. In fact, the word alone used to get me defensive.

Vulnerable. Naked. Exposed.

That’s how I feel at the moment. Nearly naked in the Ocean of Alchemy.

I was looking through my photos and found this one, where I’m all twisted in Parivrtta Trikonasana on the coast in Nicaragua. Before I put it in my yoga newsletter this week, I paused. I felt the moment totally differently than I did when the photo was taken.

My heart said, “Yes, this is what it is to be vulnerable.” It is a precarious place, barely balanced.

And yet there is harmony to be found here. There is an incredible availability to be open and see what the next waves bring. If this is the Ocean of Alchemy in which I surf and swim, then it means I am simply becoming the next version of myself as each wave washes through me.

This pose, to me, always feels incredible. Revolved Triangle asks you to balance, cross over yourself, and touch both Earth and Sky. Somehow in the smooshing together of internal organs in the twist, something always opens in my breath.

So, I write this blog post on the edge. I’m okay with being on the edge of this wave. It’s a refreshing feeling here, because whether I jump off, fall off, or the wind carries me somewhere else, I know I’ll be okay.

I know that the feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty and overwhelm are like the deep cleansing twist I find in this pose. Sometimes when I play in Parivrtta Trikonasana I am solid. Sometimes I teeter and sometimes I fall over. When that happens, I just try again with a bit more awareness and intention.

If you ever find yourself feeling like you’re barely treading water, my suggestion is this: flow with it. Find where the current is willing to carry you without so much struggle. Do the best that you can in each moment and be okay sometimes with feeling naked to the elements. Because when you let the waves wash through you they can actually clear out what’s been weighing you down.

And know, deeply and truly, that you are not alone. Because we’ve all been there. It’s a delicate and wondrous part of being human.

My suggestion (for myself and for you): Go to your mat and physically ride the waves of your breath. Flow. Twist. Bend.

Break open the parts that are ready to shatter. Let the pieces be carried away by the tide.

Climbing Up the Pendulum: the “Why” Behind My Choice to Leave Anusara Inc.

One of my very first teachers, who I consider a beloved brother—Shane Perkins—taught me much about unconditional love and standing in your power.

He described “climbing up the pendulum” as being able to witness the big swinging movements of life from a place that is less extreme, just gently rocking rather than helplessly swinging from one side to the other. In other words, staying more centered.

So I’ve been practicing that. There have been a lot of emotions in the last few months and especially the last week, but I’m finding I’m less and less attached to the feelings and unconcerned with the outcome.

Somehow or another, in the words of the great Bob Marley, “Everything ‘gonna be alright.”

I just need to speak and live my truth right now.

Here’s why I feel the need to independently create yoga products:

My choice to leave Anusara Inc was primarily because I am in a hugely creative point in my life, with a book and several video products in the works, and I refuse to be creatively limited by or financially obligated to Anusara, Inc. Be assured there is a difference between the method of the yoga I teach, and the business that I have just stepped away from.

I think it’s important for me to explain WHY I’m choosing to make products, and thus concerned with the ownership, licensing, and royalty policies that were written into the licensing agreement I had to sign to become a certified Anusara yoga instructor.

I came up with this list, not just to tell you my reasons, but to be sure I myself am clear in my inner knowing.

1) I like teaching in my hometown of Kamloops, BC. I love my students. They really don’t like it when I leave them for extended periods of time.

2) At the same time, I want to travel, but I don’t necessarily have to teach when I travel as I would need to do to make the kind of money I want to make unless I make products. If I were to travel and teach for a living, I’d be away from my local community far more frequently than if I just go for the adventure of it and then come home refreshed to teach again.

3) Having books, videos, and other media in products helps me share what wisdom and skill I have to offer, and also live the lifestyle I want to live. Why shouldn’t I make good money helping people feel happier and more free? I’m talented and have valuable services and products to offer. We all have talents to share and the world benefits when we do so.

4) I want to be financially steady so I can take the time to actually become a mother. I don’t feel comfortable taking that leap until I have an income that is steady enough for me to cut my classes way back or not teach for a period of time if that’s what I need to do.

Since I’m self-employed, there’s no such thing as maternity leave. I have to provide for myself if I want to take the time off to nurture and grow another being.

By leaving Anusara, Inc., I release myself from limitations around the creation of yoga offerings that are the products of my heart, my experience, and wisdom I have gathered from innumerable sources.

By leaving Anusara, Inc., I am able to not only speak my truth, but to live it.

And, I want to make this very clear, I have not left Anusara yoga.

I have not turned my back on the kula or John Friend. I am holding space for healing, regrowth, and transformation. I step back to hold space and be who I choose to be.

I’ve climbed up the pendulum, witnessing the emotions that come but not entrenched in them—not thrown off center by the extremes.

I have made this choice from a place of compassion and love. And I send that compassion and love out, in ever expanding waves, into All That Is.

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu

Recipes For the Great Turning

This is a guest post from my dear friend Dee Holden and her friend Dori.

“I work in a health food store and am being asked often for advice on how to proceed and protect ourselves from the possiblity of nuclear fallout from Japan.

May we all digest the information provided to us and look within to find our own truth in regards to how to proceed. Regardless of whether you feel concern the recipes and info below are certainly good medicine. My sweet sister Dori, a gifted intuitive healer has shared this wonderful article. Thanks Dori!”

Healing Meditation for Japan (and others in need)

As our dear planet goes through what I like to think of as labor pains during the birth of a new age on Earth, many people are affected.

Earthquakes, flooding, fires, and other ways that Nature moves and clears energy have been happening more frequently and on larger scales.

When you send blessings out to the people, animals, and areas of Earth that are in need, you do a great service and it makes a difference.

Blessings are energy and light.

I invite you to take a moment to center in, breathe, and bathe yourself in a sense of peace and light.

Then send healing blessings out to the many places that need it right now:

New Zealand

3 Tips To Overcome The Number One Challenge In Yoga and Fitness

What’s the hardest thing to do when it comes to keeping up your fitness routine or yoga practice?

Whether you’re in my Kamloops Yoga Fitness Program, going to a yoga class, aspiring to a daily meditation, or following any other approach to taking care of your self, the hardest thing isn’t any particular exercises.

It isn’t 100 burpees or a 300 lb bench press. It isn’t some advanced pretzel yoga pose.

It’s waking up early and going to class, or rolling out your mat, or sitting for meditation every day. It’s consistency that gets us.

Tony Robbins says something along the lines of “The hardest part about going for a run is putting your shoes on.” It’s the getting started on a daily basis that we, as human beings, seem to have a difficult time with.

How To Overcome The Challenge Of Being Consistent In Yoga And Fitness

One of the reasons that boot camp and other fitness classes are incredibly early in the morning is because this is the only time that many people have to work out on a regular basis. It also helps boost metabolism and gives you a great feeling of accomplishment when it’s 7am and you’ve already done an awesome workout.

But that’s only true if you can get yourself out of bed and show up.

When it comes to yoga, it is absolutely one of the most beneficial practices, strengthening, balancing and healing you on many levels. But you only get those benefits if you do your practice. And when it comes to asana, that means rolling out your mat. With meditation, it means you make it a priority every day.

So how do you get over the blocks that stand between you and the healthy body and happy heart that you know has so much to do with having a beneficial physical and spiritual practice?

What’s New in the Kamloops Yoga Boot Camp?

One of the reasons the Kamloops Yoga Boot Camp for Women has been such a wild success is because it’s so much fun!

It’s really hard, of course, challenging you to push to your edge and play there, but we keep it light hearted while we give’er.

In fact, many campers have told me that they never knew fitness could be so much fun!

Now that we’re inside for the workouts and yoga practices, we’ve been coming up with some new ideas to make boot camp even more fun AND more effective. Your feedback has been really helpful in continuing to expand and enhance the program.

So what’s new at boot camp?

More Metabolism Boosting Interval Training. Why? Well, interval training is short bursts of high intensity exercise spaced out between periods of rest or easier exercise.

This is one of the most effective ways to get your body making muscle and burning fat. When you do Interval Training on a regular basis, your body burns calories even in your sleep!

Tips For Eating With The Season

You’ve likely heard how important it is to eat with the season. Well, I thought I’d share my perspective on the subject.

Your body is incredibly intelligent. It will crave certain things that you need so listen to your body and clue in when it’s talking to you. At the same time, it’s important to know healthy ways to interpret your cravings.

For instance, if you’re craving something sweet, rather than assuming your body is asking for cookies, you may be needing the antioxidants and vitamins that fruit brings. Or you may be craving the benefits of honey. And, yes, dark chocolate can be very good for you, but the key is that it needs to be in moderation. Like two or three squares, not half the bar.

If you’re craving hearty food, rather than going for high glycemic breads and pastas, use brown rice and root veggies to nourish and nurture yourself. Roasted veggies are especially nice. Sprouted bread is also a good lower glycemic alternative to white or wheat bread.

Personally, in summer I’m drawn to eat more fruits, green smoothies, fresh salads, and salad wraps.

As it gets colder and winter sets in, I eat a lot of soups, stir-fries, steamed veggies and greens, and roasted veggies.

Who Won the Grand Prize for Yoga Boot Camp?

This month in Yoga Boot Camp there was a Grand Prize for the person who made the biggest transformation in their body and lifestyle.

The winner is Constance Ladell, lawyer extraordinaire and an all around wonderful woman! (Even though she isn’t sharing her biggest smile with us in this photo, it’s under there. She’s got a fantastic sense of humor.)

I did a little interview with Constance to see what her approach was. Read on to find out what motivated her and what tips she has to share!

Constance, congrats on such great results! It was wonderful to hear you report that you were down 2 pounds each week of camp for a total of 8 pounds in 4 weeks!

What was the biggest change you saw during the last boot camp session?

The scale provided valuable feedback and encouragement. But the biggest change was an improvement in my energy and well-being – I just felt good. I noticed an improvement in stamina at Boot Camp but, more importantly, but I had more energy overall.

What approach did you take with eating and nutrition?

A Metabolism Boosting Tip

Okay, we all want to have more energy and enjoy food without putting on weight. This approach can help in a big way…

Here’s a quick metabolism boosting tip you might want to keep in mind. Casey and I just celebrated American Thanksgiving (complete with a feast of food), and I definitely practiced this one!

Tip: Get your metabolism going before you eat!

What does that mean? Well, if you do a quick (or full on) workout before you have a meal, your metabolism will already be working when you put food in your mouth. This means your body will burn the calories faster.

This is one of the reasons the Yoga Boot Camp is so excellent – it gets your metabolism up first thing!

Boosting your metabolism with exercise also helps your overall energy levels, so you feel more energetic.

Here are some ideas to get your body pumped before you eat:

Boot Camp Dance Party

What were you doing at 5:45 this morning?

Myself and some other fabulous women, we were swingin’ our hips and having a whole lot of fun at the first Boot Camp Dance Party! It was so much fun I might make it a monthly surprise in camp…

It was pretty phenomenal, really! We worked up a sweat (otherwise known as a healthy glow), did a few push-ups and squats here and there, and toned our smile muscles with grins and abs with giggles and belly dance moves.

Why Dancing Is So Good For You

A lot of people don’t dance much when they aren’t at a bar on the other side of a few drinks. Dancing can be way out of the comfort zone for some women, as was the case for some of the campers this morning.

But with practice and opportunity, dancing can truly be one of the healthiest ways to get your groove on, burn calories and tone muscles.

It was fun to watch as some of the girls in camp danced around despite their obvious initial discomfort with the idea. One beautiful woman commented to me on her way out that it was out of her comfort zone, but also a lot of fun!