Lesson Four: Opening to Abundance and Joy

“Happiness is part of who we are.
Joy is the feeling.”
― Tony DeLiso


Abundance and oneness is the nature of the Universe.

We forget this sometimes, falling into the illusions of lack and feeling like there isn’t enough, or we’re not doing enough, or we’re alone in the world.

In yoga this idea of scarcity and separateness is called Anava Mala. The “Malas” are like veils–illusions that often derail our best intentions.

However, when you practice yoga and weave a perspective of Oneness into your life, it is much easier to see past the illusion of lack and isolation into the truth of abundance and joy!

Yes, it definitely helps to open up your physical body and your breath, so that you can receive more feelings of fullness, wholeness, and ease.

Getting on your mat, moving around, and tuning into your breath go a long way in shining a light past the illusions so you can access your heart and brightest experience of spirit.

You can also find a great deal of transformative power in the practice of being open to see the abundance you already have, and finding gratitude here and now. And when you choose the feeling of happiness over the feeling of hardship, life is a whole lot more sparkly!

Here is a message I received along these same lines:

Lesson Number Four:

“The best thing you can do, dear one, is enjoy each moment for what it is. There is enormous wisdom in this. How? By allowing yourself a spaciousness, by releasing the self-induced pressure, by trusting that each moment holds everything you need right now, and that the Universe has everything else covered. Do what comes naturally, and give yourself permission to let go of the struggle so you can show up for the dance!”

Or, to put it another way, open up to your inner child and live in joy and wonder!


The night of April 30th and day of May 1st (Beltane or May Day) is traditionally associated with fertility, abundance, and dance. You might take this time to receive, in your own way, these elements of life’s natural flow.

Quotes inviting Abundance and Joy:

“Keep your best wishes close to your heart and watch what happens”
― Tony DeLiso

“Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.”
― Steve Maraboli

“Today expect something good to happen to you no matter what occurred yesterday. Realize the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits.”
― Sarah Breathnach

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”
― Anthony Robbins

Lesson Three: The Limitless Nature of You

“You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will.
As your will is, so is your deed.
As your deed is, so is your destiny.”

-Brihadaranyaka Upanishad


I missed the newsletter last week because I was moving into my new home with my man and my 3 furry kids.

For years I’ve yearned for a home in the country, with all the peace, quiet, access to nature and freedom that brings. The sparkle of stars in all their brilliance, the sound of loons on the lake . . .

And after much searching, visualizing, and putting my requests in to the Universe, we now have a home surrounded by trees and with a view of Pinantan Lake.

While that may or may not sound like heaven to you, my point is that one of my dreams has come true. I’ve made it happen. And I’m convinced that part of the reason it has all come together, besides perserverance and hard work, is my deep trust that everything always works out for the best.

What about you? What is your dream? How can you grow even more open to the gifts of the moment while calling in the experience or situation you most want in life?

As my yoga practice and self-growth continues to evolve, I appreciate the present moment more and more. That allows me to trust in the unfolding process of life.

Sure, I keep talking about this, but here’s one of the great things that happens when you’re experiencing the Here and Now:

Your mind clears. The confusion of thoughts about past and future subsides, and you are able to enjoy the gifts you have right now.

For me that is often a practice of appreciating the purring kitty on my lap because I’ve let go of thoughts of work or the endless things that need to be done around the house.

What about you? What do you notice yourself missing when your mind wanders? How much more gratitude do you feel when you remember to be present?

We seem to need constant reminding of our true, limitless nature.

For me, the more I tune in to my Infinite Self in meditation, or read something that helps me understand the essence of my Divine self, or feel the connection I have with nature, the more I enjoy life.

I think we can grow more and more into an experiential knowing of the endless truth of who we are.

And WOW does that feel good!

You are Infinite. Truly.

The message I’m sharing with you this week invites you to find that direct access to your Infinite Self by clearing your mind, and by doing so, open to the vast expanse of wisdom available to all of us. . .

Lesson Number Three:

“Infinite wisdom is accessable to a clear mind. When small, scattered thinking is removed and your Divine self is guiding your perspective, you can tap into the limitless nature of knowing.”

When your mind is clear and you tap into that essential, limitless self, it is SO much easier to live your dreams and create your destiny.

May you live your purpose in life, one moment at a time, knowing that the mystery of All That Is offers itself to you willingly!

Inspiring Quotes

“Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity. We need only be awake, alive in the present moment.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

“What we think we become.”
— Buddha

“Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.”
— Paramhansa Yogananda

Lesson Two: Your thoughts are your power . . .

The Power of Your Thoughts

“You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think.”

― Marianne Williamson

Lesson Number Two: “Wherever your intent is directed, your essence follows.”

Yoga, as well as many other teachings, continually directs us to the here and now.

Why do we need this constant, repetitive reminding? Because as human beings we frequently find ourselves scattered, thinking of too many things and trying to do everything at once.

Or that’s what it often feels like anyway.

The practice of drawing yourself to the present moment is a worthwhile endeavor, no matter how difficult it seems or how silly you may feel as you catch yourself “doing it again” when you just took a deep breath to re-center.

It’s okay. It’s a process. It’s a practice. Just be persistant and you’ll notice yourself spending more time in the present, and less time feeling distracted and overwhelmed.

The message I’m sharing with you this week speaks not only of being present, but also WHY it is so important to keep your thoughts on what you choose . . .

Lesson Two:

“Your thoughts are your power. Wherever your intent is directed, your essence follows. So if you are doing yoga but thinking about work, you are giving away your power. When you are doing one thing but focusing on other things, your power is leaking out of you and draining your potency physically, energetically, and mentally. The more you focus on who you are in the moment, focusing soley on the task at hand, the more concentrated and balanced your power becomes.”


It makes it so clear doesn’t it? How important it is to channel the power of your thoughts to the present, to what you’re doing right now?

I’ve been working with this and noticing how much more powerful, peaceful, and full of vitality I feel when I’m present, versus the diluted and less energetic feeling I have when I’m not.

And yes, that feeling of being in my own true power comes with a sense of peace too! Isn’t it interesting how we seem to have separated these two things in our idea of what power is, when the true, inner power is something that aligns with the limitless peace that dwells within you?

Try it for yourself and see what happens!

Just to clarify, what you’re doing right now could be envisioning the future you’re creating.

It’s not that you never think about the future or the past, but if you do, ask yourself if the thoughts you’re having are helpful. Are they contributing to the enjoyment and experience of your life? Are you feeling a drain on your energy, or are the thoughts you’re creating bringing more potency to the power of who you are right now?

Something to think about. 😉

Quotes about True Power

Taking back our power means deciding who we are, and who we wish to be. This is only possible when we no longer make our past or other people’s opinions “about us.”
— Melanie Tonia Evans

“It is time to redefine power, to expand our concept of what being powerful really means. True power is love. It is not power over someone. It is everyone, all of us, standing together in a circle, building power side by side. As I build my power, I create a mirror, a reflection of power that you can use to build your power. It is not rivalry, but rather healthy competition-a world where I inspire you and you inspire me; and together we create a world of healthy, interdependent, creative people.”
— Lynn V. Andrews

“Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. The world changes when we change. the world softens when we soften. The world loves us when we choose to love the world.”
― Marianne Williamson

Lesson One: To Unlock Your Heart . . .

Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow

In the spirit of honesty, I continue to share my personal soul adventures with you. In these articles and in my classes I do my best to provide you with the wisdom and perspectives that are changing my life for the better.

It is my intention to make these teachings universal, always inviting you to interpret these offerings in ways that are relevant and right for YOU.

Lesson Number One: “To unlock your heart you must clear your mind.”

Right now, my growth is mostly happening on the spiritual plane. I spend a lot of time in meditation and am practicing being mindful as much as possible when I’m not sitting still.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of amazing unfoldment happening in the “real world” for me too, it’s just that I’m bringing the lessons learned in meditation into my reality more and more, and that’s huge!

Yes, I keep up my physical practice with yoga and being active, which is super important to me so I feel healthy and strong, but my radical expansion is currently happening in the arena of personal growth, meditation, and applying what I learn to the day to day experience of life.

For many people, it seems like 2013 has so-far been as intense as 2012. What I’ve learned is that the Unity Consciousness and higher vibrational energies that came in during 2012 are now making it so that whatever “old, fear-based stuff” that is still lingering in our lives is coming up.

The message here is to get on with it already! Step out of the past with the lessons learned, but not the baggage.

If we keep replaying the same tracks, the same patterns, it isn’t very much fun.

However, if we can learn to let go, to flow, and to move into the truth of our higher selves then life starts to be amazingly joyful again!

One of the most important ways to get out of fear and into a higher, more free and flowing way of life is to question, clear, and consciously choose your thoughts.

Not so easy, eh? The monkey mind is tricky and messy at times.

That’s where yoga and meditation are so helpful. They give you tools to clear your mind and access your heart.

Tip: Focus on the present. Breathe deep. Re-focus on the present, on who you are and what you sense right now. Let go of scattered thoughts that don’t belong here and now. Breathe deep again. Re-focus again. And again. And again.

You’re doing great! 🙂

One of my guides, a being of a very high order who gives me messages in meditation, is helping me to understand how the conscious awareness and ordering of my thoughts shapes my reality.

Sure, this is something I’ve been intellectually aware of, but I haven’t necessarily been applying it on a moment-to-moment basis. The difference is extraordinary.

She has started giving me little lessons, sort of like the Sutras in yogic philosophy. Here is the first lesson:

“To unlock your heart you must clear your mind. You must understand beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are so much more than the things you own or the relationships you have. You are VAST. Divine. No more hiding in this human illusion of smallness. Wake up to your truth!”

I will be bringing these teachings into class, weaving them gently into the asana sequences, and offering you ways to experience them in meditation.

It is my hope that you take the pieces that call to your heart, and that they help to bring more peace, love, joy and beauty into your life.

Art by Annelie

Thoughtful Quotes

“In the infinity of life where I am,
All is perfect, whole and complete.
I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack,
I now choose to begin to see myself
As the Universe sees me – perfect, whole, and complete.”

― Louise L. Hay | You Can Heal Your Life

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If you can control your mind you can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to you.”
― Buddha

“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you rideing through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and LIVE!”
― Bob Marley

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”
— Buddha


Give Yourself a Fresh Start

How often have you held yourself back by clinging to an idea of who you are that is based on who you used to be?

Of course, your past has brought you to where you are now. It’s important not to belittle any of the experiences that have helped you become who you are, because there are gifts in even the most frustrating or difficult times.

They help you grow stronger and discover what you’re truly capable of doing.

However, the past does not define you.

Yoga reminds you to be present in the moment, which means letting go of the past and not being fixated on the future.

Who you have been is not necessarily who you are now. And it certainly doesn’t have to be who you are becoming. The feeling of wiping the slate clean is pretty amazing, so if you’re interested in giving yourself a fresh start, try this:


Take a deep breath.

Sit up tall and feel your hips settle into the seat beneath you, and the earth below.

Allow your breath to deepen even more fully, flowing more freely.

Soften your face, letting tension go from your jaw, shoulders and neck.

With your next deep breath, exhale through your mouth with the intention of letting go of the past.

With the inhale, open up to the feeling of a completely fresh start.

Exhale, and say to yourself, “I completely let go of my attachment to what has come before.”

Inhale and say, “I allow myself to redefine who I am in this moment.”

You can repeat these affirmations, or make up your own for a few more deep breaths.

Allow yourself as much time as you can for this exercise, moving as fully as possible into the feeling of letting go of any clinging to the past.

As you do so, also feel as deeply as you can the freedom of opening effortlessly into the promise of choosing who you are in this moment, and who you are becoming as the future unfolds.

Finish with a smile, and thank yourself.

Here’s to a clean slate, and a fresh start in every moment!

Returning to Your Truth

“If it isn’t true, it has to go.”

Speaking with many of my friends who are actively living spiritual paths, this seems to be what’s going on at this time in our Earth’s evolution.

It’s about returning to the essence of who you are . . . Consciously making the effort to let go of the things that wrap you in forgetfulness or doubt or numbness or disbelief.

I’ve been doing a lot of reconsidering around the perspectives I hold, and if they are coming from my own intuitive knowing or if they have been picked up from outside sources.

Sometimes it can be tricky to know what is yours and what is not: what is conditioned from society and upbringing, or what you’ve taken as an idea of yourself that isn’t your own truth.

And yet it is vital, in order to live fully as your most realized self, to be able to differentiate between what is true for you and what is not.

Yoga tells you that you do not need to look outside yourself for answers.

It calls you back to your breath, your heart, your intuitive knowing–the source of who you are.

Coming home to your truth often means letting go of the things you’ve held onto that no longer fit, no longer support, and with which you no longer identify.

It means remembering that all of the “things to do” and the busy-ness of life are temporary–that the mistakes we make are such small things in the grand scheme of life.

Coming home to your truth is coming home to what really matters to you.

What is that for you? What is the most meaningful aspect of who you are? What are the things in life that make your heart sing?

When you come to your yoga mat, or sit for meditation, you give yourself the time and space to feel into your truth, and gently, gratefully and gracefully let go of anything that no longer serves.

Yoga says to you, “Let go of the grasping, the seeking of outside sources for fulfillment, because everything you need is within you.”

Quotes Inviting a Deeper Sense of Truth:

“When we awaken to our truth, we realize we are free.”
― Kristi Bowman

“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.”
― Steve Maraboli

Bringing Yourself Back ~ Meditation for Wholeness and Harmony

Photo by Nat Anfield

Often this is because we tend to spread ourselves out energetically, focusing on so many things at once or sending thoughts out to different places.

The good news is that this is pretty normal, and you can collect that scattered energy back into yourself.

One way is to simply take a deep breath and intend that any parts of your energy or awareness that have gone travelling please return now.

You can also extend this intention into a beautiful meditation…

Mini-Meditation for Wholeness and Harmony:

Take a beautiful seat.

Pelvis rooted, heart lifted brightly.

Allow your breath to naturally deepen as you turn your focus there.

With each exhale, allow anything that is not in the present moment to melt away.

With each inhale, draw your own energy and awareness into yourself, calling back any scattered thoughts or energy.

Feel yourself become more and more conscious of the movement of your breath and your mindful presence in the now.

Feel your energy become more full, more complete—returning to your natural state of wholeness and harmony.

Feel yourself shine like a star with all of that energy concentrated in one place, and naturally radiating light outwards without loosing any energy or potency.

Keep breathing slow and deep, allowing yourself as much time as you’d like for this meditation.

You’re beautiful. Truly. Allow yourself to acknowledge your own beauty and light.

You’re a shining star!

Returning to Wholeness

We seek ourselves. Our true selves. This is the freedom every heart desires and this is the path of yoga.

Where is this freedom to be found? Is it waiting for us to accomplish a certain task or to have specific things lined up in our lives? No.

Wholeness is here, in the present, holding you. Always.

When we get caught up in past and future, in the pushing and pulling of what we think we need or what we want in order to be happy, we forget that what we’re looking for is right before us.

Happiness is a choice. Peace is a state of being that can be found in any moment.

Acceptance and full presence allow us to surrender all the things that get in the way and move into the whole, healed state of who we truly are.

Yoga invites you to remember who you are, and to step fully into the whole, true, authentic Self. Freedom awaits. All you need to do is turn towards it and recognize yourself within it.

Part of living

Maha Shivaratri: The Potency of Transitions

Unlimited potential and a powerful time of transition gives you a chance to set intention and allow your mind to become fully absorbed in the heart!

Though this article speaks specifically about Maha Shivaratri, you can learn much from it about transitions in general, and why they are so important.

There are certain times of transition where the veil thins; when you can more easily feel the intrinsic connection between who you are as an individual, and the essence that pulsates as the Spirit in us all.

Maha Shivaratri is one of these times, and a very special transition indeed. This is the Great Night of Shiva, which happens only once a year on the 13th moon as the sliver of crescent moon dissolves into the darkness of night.

It offers both potency and the opportunity to enter into a deeper relationship with the divine.

Here’s some footage from a Maha Shivaratri Gathering I led in 2011:

Before I continue, I’d like to say that, though this tradition comes from India, it offers any sincere practitioner a clear path to the heart. You can use mantra, intention, and celebration to deepen your own understanding and relationship with what you personally believe; that which you already know in your heart.

It is said that your prayers and mantras are magnified 10,000 times on this powerful night.

Ripples of Loving Kindness – Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.

It means “May all beings be happy and free, and may my thoughts, words, and actions contribute to the happiness and freedom of all.”

Please sing along, or just enter the resonance of infinite love.

If you choose to do so, I invite you to send this loving kindness out in ripples, to the whole world.

Love is the essence, the great healer, the liberating feeling of joy.

And it is who you truly are.

Love, love, love.