The last time I heard Deepak Chopra speak, I was inspired and deeply satisfied by the way he explained the physics of spirituality. He reminded me, in a way I hadn’t considered before, how everything is in a constant cycle. Dr. Chopra described how, at an atomic level, we are literally one with everything else. Each time you breathe out, you send very tiny parts of yourself out into the world. Each time you breathe in, you welcome molecules that were once a part of trees, oceans, your neighbors, Gandhi…
Category: Daily Doses of Delight
The first breath of spring
The first breath of spring…
It whispers a deep truth of hope. It invites you to plant seeds and grow into the next grandest vision of who you are.
What is that visionWhat variety of life do you choose to flower into this season?
The first thing, the most foundational element of yoga and life is intention. By being clear with your intention, you breathe in the potency of it. By coming back to your intention over and over again, you align with it; you take the steps necessary to manifest it.
The True Essence of Power
What is the essence of true power? What is the fundamental energy of the universe?
This great wonder pulsates through all of life. It feeds us and heals us. It takes us on grand adventures. It invites us to face our deepest fears, to transform ourselves, to serve others from the heart.
Have you felt the ways that yoga enhances your ability to love?
Chakras and Healing
Chakras and yoga are intertwined. When you move in asana, or breathe in meditation, you affect the wheels of energy within that have so much influence on how you experience life.
The chakras are mysterious to most, yet so many people are curious about what they are and how to balance them.
Do you want to know more about the chakras and how they can help you heal? Here is an excellent resource for learning about Chakras, Yoga and Healing.
Laughter and Wisdom from the Universe
How do you tap into the consciousness of the Universe? The methods of divine communication are endless. Sitting still in meditation, truly listening to a friend, hearing the heart song of a bird, letting in the light of the sun, delighting in the sparkle of snow, heeding the inner voice of intuition, being a witness to the waves of emotion you experience as a human being…
When you do your next yoga practice, tune in to the messages that come. When your effort creates expansion, what do you learn about yourself and the nature of your experience? When your thigh is smoking in Warrior II, or your hamstrings scream-singing in a forward bend, can you be light hearted and breathe love into it? Can you laugh with the ever changing adventure of life?
In Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is one who seeks enlightenment for all beings, not just for him or herself. The wisdom of this choice is tremendous. It comes from an understanding that since all of us are connected, the true freedom we each seek can only be fully realized if ALL beings awaken.
Seeking enlightenment, or total wakefulness, for yourself is important. It gives you the calm, compassionate, centered perspective from which you can experience peace no matter what the situation. As you become more aware of the interconnectedness of all life, you naturally want to uplift others. There is an inner yearning, a divine desire to offer your efforts in service of the greater good.
Passion and Compassion
Do you know the feeling of living in a heightened state of wakefulness? How great is your desire to live in an extraordinary way?
One of the gifts of life is passion. When you connect to that place within you that is curious, creative, and enthusiastic, you feel wildly alive. Passion is a great motivator, a powerful force that breathes magic into what could otherwise be considered ordinary. When balanced with compassion, the openhearted caring for others, passion can drive transformation, innovation, and tremendous healing.
There are Many Paths
Do you notice the grand glittering structure in its camouflage of daily life? Do you hear the undertones of laughter and delight as you experience yourself and others? Can you be conscious of the path you walk, both literally in the physical realm and on every other level?
You are unique. Completely unique. There has never been another exactly like you, nor will there be. This means your perspective is so special, so totally your own, that it is a cause for celebration.
It Is Time For Change
Think of someone who has made a difference in your life.
We each have people who inspire us, who we admire for who they are and what they do. With all the inequality and injustice in the world, these people are important, for they uplift us.
Now, with gratitude in your heart for this person, realize that you are also a bright spirit of inspiration. You uplift others by living with integrity, by smiling, by being kind, by doing what you love to do. As you expand your awareness of the impact you have on others, you strengthen your awareness of your connection to all things.
As a global family, we have a responsibility and deep yearning to find harmony together. Let us set an intention for change.
The Secret to Greatness
Do you know the secret to Greatness?
Mastery comes from being humble and receptive, from opening to greater possibilities.
Humility is a softening. To me it is so comforting because I acknowledge that I am not alone. To be humble is to accept the unseen support that is always there; to honor and co-participate with the organizing energy of life.