Freshness and Renewal

As you read this, I invite you to sit up tall and take a deep breath.

And then, another deep breath. Feel your perspective expand, and your body come alive!

Because your breath carries prana, the vital essence of life, and because it also brings fresh nutrients in and carries stale air and toxins out, these deep breaths not only feel good, but are incredibly healing.

Which is part of the reason yoga is so deliciously wonderful!

We all want to be healthy and feel good. For me, yoga is the most powerful method to do so.

(Photo by Nat Anfield)

When you come to your yoga mat, you take time for yourself.

You enter into a practice that detoxifies and melts away stress, while renewing the health of your entire body on a cellular level.

And you not only renew your physical body as you practice, but yoga goes further and helps you renew your outlook on life so that you can flow with the changes and feel energized and alive!

Each breath is an invitation to renew yourself.
In each moment you can find a fresh view of life!

To me, every yoga practice is playful and restful, challenging and nurturing. These elements show up in different ways depending on what is most appropriate for you.

Yoga invites you to empower yourself with strength and surrender, guided by each inhale and exhale. Every time you practice you are providing yourself with a deeply satisfying experience.

May it bring a fresh perspective to your thoughts, a rejuvenated feel to your body, and a sense of clarity and well-being to every aspect of your life.

See you in class!

Brand Spankin’ New: Yoga for Dragon Riders Website!

Well, wow!

The new Yoga for Dragon Riders website is up, and I’m pretty excited about this.



1) it looks awesome,

2) it’s got free stuff, and

3) I’ll have a whole 15 video Dragon Rider Series coming soon that goes with the book!

Okay, maybe I’m more stoked about this than you. But here’s why you’ll like it:

There’s two free yoga videos there for you.

Yep. Right now. Waiting for you to access them anytime you want. They’re full length classes (75 minutes) featuring my amazing local students who are all ages, abilities, shapes and sizes. This is awesome because it helps you remember to honor yourself and work at your own level.

One class is a playful and strong “Align and Flow” practice, and the other class is a gentle “Deep Healing” yoga practice including restorative poses. The two balance very well. Yang and Yin, if you will.

You’ll also get access to the first two chapters of the book for free. If you want to preview the book in more detail, you can look inside the whole thing on Amazon: Yoga for Dragon Riders the book.

If you haven’t seen the book yet, be sure to check it out. Though the title may be a bit of a surprise for a yoga book, it is a wonderfully comprehensive guide to yoga.

And the Dragon Rider theme makes it a joy to read! If you’ve ever wanted to delve deeper into your practice, this is a beautiful way to do so.


What are you waiting for? Head on over and get access to your videos. 🙂

Click here to see the brand spankin’ new Yoga for Dragon Riders website, check out the book, and get awesome free stuff.

Oh yes, one more bonus is this: not only does this free stuff not clutter up your house, but it offers you a way to clean house… Move, breathe, flow, strengthen, surrender, and feel alive!

Good stuff, I tell ya.


The Book: Yoga for Dragon Riders

Are you ready? It’s here!!!

For those of you who have been waiting and just want to get your hands on a copy of Yoga for Dragon Riders NOW, wait no longer. Here’s the direct link to buy the book:

Buy the book: Yoga for Dragon Riders

Yoga for Dragon Riders is a transformational ROAR!”

~ Elizabeth Beeds, publisher of Interior Wellness Magazine

“This book contains a wealth of illustrated, excellent, specific suggestions for all who are interested in yoga on and off the mat.”

~ Christine Ewy, accomplished author and educator

What’s in it? Well…

Inside Yoga for Dragon Riders you’ll find:

– Yoga Asana Practices (plus key poses and alignment)
– Yoga Philosophy
– Meditation (and many visualizations)
– Pranayama (breathing practices)
– Mantra (the power of sound and vibration)
– Sacred Texts (including a synopsis of The Bhagavad Gita and an exploration of many of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras from a Tantric perspective)
– Energy and Light Healing Techniques
– Messages from the Akashic Records

And much more – all with the theme of becoming a Dragon Rider, which invites you to step fully into your power and purpose, guided by love and wisdom.

This book is full of real ways to access your limitless self.

And to me it’s really important that you feel freedom to find your own path. Yoga for Dragon Riders offers many, many practices so that you can choose the ones that are right for you – almost like a choose your own adventure book as you are taken on a journey of nine initiations.

Why initiations? Because the journey of incorporating all of these different ideas and practices into your life takes time and integration, and it’s best to layer things so you can learn more quickly and completely. You step over an inner threshold as you begin each practice, coming more fully into balanced power informed by love and wisdom.

The Map:

So Close!!! A Sneak-Peak at the Cover of Yoga for Dragon Riders

Wow! Yoga for Dragon Riders is almost ready to publish!

Who knew self-publishing a book would be so much fun… And so much work!

Good thing I love what I do.

For those of you who have been asking me “When’s the book going to be ready?” the answer is, very soon! I hope to actually have the print version of the book ready on my original release date of March 21st. (I had to pick Spring Equinox ’cause that’s how I roll).

The layout is in it’s final, last-minute polishing. The cover is DONE!

All I have to do is send it to the production house and have them get it ready to print, up on their website for purchase, and ready.

I love that Yoga for Dragon Riders is coming out for Spring, because it offers so many practices for self-growth and transformation, which is what Spring is about.

Anyway, I promised you a sneak-peak at the cover so…

Here it is!

Welcome to the Year of the Water Dragon!

It is now officially the Year of the Dragon!

May it be brightly blessed.

I’ve made a video for you, talking about the significance of the Year of the Dragon and the cycle we’re entering into, but before you watch that I’d like to tell you about my book.

My book, Yoga for Dragon Riders is ALMOST done. 🙂

And don’t you love the beautiful cover by illustrator Jerome Chris Marcial?

However, there are a few last things I’m working on (and waiting for)…

I know I promised you I’d publish the book for the Year of the Dragon.


I’m going to give you the first two chapters of Yoga for Dragon Riders totally FREE!

Just right click on this link and “Save As” to download the PDF to your computer. Yoga for Dragon Riders Free Chapters

You can start reading Yoga for Dragon Riders right away! Yay! 🙂

Alright, without further ado, here’s the video about the Year of the Water Dragon:

What Exactly IS a Dragon Rider?

You might be wondering why my new book is called Yoga for Dragon Riders.

I mean, what IS a Dragon Rider anyway?

Good question. I’ve put together this short video for you to help explain:

In the context of my book, a Dragon Rider is one who lives life fully, walking their own path with integrity, honour, and skill; one who discovers what it is to have balance between the essential elements of love, power, and wisdom.

A Dragon Rider is one who connects with the power of life and the spirit of dreams — one who explores on many planes of existence, with one foot in this world and one in the next.

A Dragon Rider goes beyond limiting ideas to explore who they are, with creativity and delight; contributing their own unique talents to help uplift the world.

This approach to yoga invites you to find your own path and creative expression, guided by principles and practices that are effective and empowering, playful and profound.

My New Book… “Yoga For Dragon Riders”

Brightest blessings to you for 2012!

Very soon, on January 23rd, we will be entering the Year of the Dragon.

Which has a great deal to do with the book I’ve just written…

The book that only took 19 days from start to first draft…

“It is a transformational ROAR!”

Watch this video and learn about my new book, plus 3 things that can help you in 2012 and beyond!

Celebrating Autumn Equinox AND Fall Yoga Series In Kamloops

Shine fearlessly as who you are. Truth is yours to experience and live.

Okay, Kamloops yoga enthusiasts, I have some WONDERFUL news for you!

But first…

Are you getting my yoga newsletter? If not, be sure to subscribe below so you’re up to date with class and event offerings in Kamloops!

Thursday Night Yoga and Celebrating the Equinox

Thursday Evening Class Starts This Week!

I’m excited to finally be offering an evening yoga class again, and in such a beautiful place! Please join me for the Grand Opening this Thursday night!

Thursday Anusara® Yoga with Katrina from 5:30-6:45pm at St. Andrews (159 Seymour St on the corner of 2nd and Seymour)

-Bring your own mat, blanket, and blocks if you need them
-Bring your friends! Beginners most welcome.

Special Grand Opening Discount for 10 Class Cards: $120 plus HST ($134.40 total, regularly $145.60. Cash or cheque only please.)

Autumn Equinox Celebration: Mantra and Meditation Night

This tree is massive! The trunk is about 8 feet wide.

Wow! Get ready for an incredible night in the truly magnificent acoustics of St. Andrews.

Finding Your Bliss In Balance With Yoga

What happens when someone gains insight and understanding into the mysteries of Life?

They become deeply loving and peaceful; the embodiment of bliss. They serve from the heart and change the world around them for the better.

Who comes to mind when you think of an “Enlightened Being?” Buddha, Jesus, Mother Theresa, Krishna, Gandhi? Maybe your Grandmother… I don’t know. 🙂

Though you and I may not yet have reached Nirvana, we do get moments where the spark of Spirit is so clear that we get a ‘hit’ of the enlightened state. We float in a sense of highest joy when this happens.

Our natural, whole, highest state is this pure bliss. The trick is finding it while balancing all of the events, distractions and responsibilities of life. Yoga helps us do this.

Each time you come to your mat with a willingness to connect to your heart you have a chance to tap into that source of bliss.

Yoga Therapy Workshop

Sunday May 15
11:00-1:00 and 2:30-4:30

What it is:

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something you’re doing isn’t working, but how do you change if you’re not sure what that is or what to do about it?

This workshop is your chance to learn how to align to and simple techniques you can do anywhere to make all the difference in how your body feels.

What You’ll Get:

  • Clear instruction that helps you discover the patterns of misalignment in your body that cause discomfort
  • How to align in ways that change those patterns
  • Simple stretches you can do anywhere to bring relief
  • Bonus poses for immune boosting and hormone balancing