An Evening of Earth Love: Meditation, Music, and Mantra

Earth Day is coming up on Friday, April 22nd, and we’ll be gathering to celebrate it in a very special Music, Mantra and Meditation night.

Details: Music, Mantra, and Meditation Gathering for the Earth (on a Waning Moon)

Friday April 22nd
7:00-9:00 pm
Let’s Move Studio in Kamloops, BC
By Donation (Suggested donation is $15, but please just give what you can)

The Earth Celebration will include:

The Dance Of Breath In Pranayama: Ujjayi Yoga Breath

A large part of Meditation is the dance of breath, and the guiding of breath in Pranayama such as Ujjayi and even breathing, such as in this video, can be a beautiful gateway into a deep state of peace.

Maintaining a beautiful posture or seat in meditation is part of why the practice of asana is such a foundational and integral part of the practice.

So sit beautifully.

Whatever that means for you.

And enjoy your practice.

Ujjayi Pranayama Meditation

Music, Mantra and Meditation Nights with Katrina

These are powerful nights to observe with mantra and meditation. Come out and celebrate or have your own ceremony wherever you are.

If you’re not in Kamloops for the gatherings, feel free to let the intentions and mantras below guide your own experience.

Friday, March 18th, from 7:00-9:00pm: Full Moon and Spring Equinox Celebration

Come celebrate New Growth and Abundance with this powerful Full Moon gathering!

Plant seeds of intention in the fertile soil of this Spring, and increase your awareness and powers of perception so you can open to willingly receive each moment of delight as Nature reveals her nurturing green and colourful beauty to us.


  • Om Namah Shivaya (Anusara yoga Opening Invocation)
  • Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha (to Welcome New Beginnings)
  • Om Shri Lakshmi Namaha (Honoring Beauty, Abundance, and Benevolence)
  • Shiva Shambo (Into the Abode of Joy)

Each person will receive a seed, which you can charge with intention and plant. No matter if the plant lives and thrives, or if the seed just is a gift to the earth and mulches into the soil, the energy of your intention will be received by the spirit of Spring.

Friday, April 22nd, from 7:00-9:00pm: Earth Day Celebration on the Waning Moon

A Restorative Yoga Practice (Kamloops Yoga Class Mondays 9am)

Restorative Yoga is one of the most nurturing and healing practices.

In my Monday morning Kamloops yoga class, I teach a blend of active asana (focusing on hip openers) and restorative yoga, creating a meditative state and environment in which the body can go into deep healing and return to your natural pulsation.

If you don’t live in Kamloops or aren’t able to come to my class, this article can help you discover the bliss of Restorative Yoga.

I’ve included a Restorative Yoga Practice for you at the end of this article. This is a great way to get in some nurturing and healing time with yourself. You can do all or part of this practice, so it is adaptable as time allows. Even just one of these poses can be incredibly helpful.

Feel free to print it out and take it to your mat!

Some of the benefits of Restorative Yoga include:

The Yoga of Honoring Yourself

Sometimes yoga is less about ‘doing’ and more about ‘listening’. Let me explain…

Every day is different, and your body is an amazingly complex beauty that is always communicating with you.

What was appropriate yesterday might not be what you need today, so it’s important to check in and take notice, rather than plowing ahead with your plan regardless of what signals you’re getting from your body.

Right now, in the cold, dark days of a Canadian winter, my body is telling me that it’s tired. Two days ago I was on fire and had tons of energy, but there have been quite a few days lately where I’ve needed to modify what I’ve wanted to do with myself.

Now, if you’re feeling tired sometimes just resting isn’t the best thing. Sometimes that’s exactly what you need, but if it’s all you want to do then often what you need to balance is actually some exercise to get more energy.

Om Namah Shivaya Mantra – Amazing Grace – Free Music Download

Om Namah Shivaya is one of my favorite mantras. I sing it to many melodies, let it whisper quietly within me, or just feel it in the heart of meditation.

It is a Maha Mantra; a great mantra that has been passed from teacher to student for thousands of years.

It brings you back to the simplest, most comforting truth by affirming that the essence of everything that is, is good. You are a good person. You are connected to so much that is auspicious and divine.

Om Namah Shivaya guides you into your heart space and holds you in a warmth that reveals a deep peace that has always been with you and is always available if you simply follow your breath and the pulsation of your heart.

I would like to offer you a free download of me singing this mantra. It isn’t a perfect recording, but it carries the vibration of love, peace, and beauty. May it bring you great joy.

Right click to download this song: Om Namah Shivaya to Amazing Grace

I intend to, at some point, get into a recording studio and do this properly, but for now, this is what I have to give. If you enjoy it, please share it with friends and family by bringing them to this page.

May this great mantra resonate love and peace into the hearts of all beings.

Om Namah Shivaya.

Katrina Ariel

The Importance of Daily Meditation

Meditation is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

It has been celebrated by an overwhelmingly wide spectrum of people, from western doctors to the humblest of practitioners. Meditative practices are perhaps the most universal of techniques used in the pursuit of happiness and health, spirituality and success.

Remarkably, it doesn’t matter who you are or what your background is in order to reap the benefits. One of the biggest obstacles people have as resistance to starting is something like this:

“I can’t meditate, there’s no way my mind would slow down enough for that.”

Here’s the good news – you don’t have to make your mind slow down. It may do so on its own, but don’t get caught up worrying about the idea of trying to sit still for a length of time with no thoughts at all in your mind. That isn’t realistic, and doesn’t really happen for most people.

Instead, try approaching the idea of meditation as a momentary retreat; a way of reconnecting to who you truly are so that you can enjoy life more fully and on your own terms.

Also, keep in mind that there are a good many kids who have been labeled as ADD and ADHD who do yoga and meditate. These practices have brought them to a place where they can sit still and concentrate. If they can do it, so can you. 🙂

What are some of the benefits of meditation for you?

How To Heal: Returning To Your Natural Pulsation

We have, as a society, done a smashing job of stressing ourselves out. Don’t you think?

How often have you felt the anxiety of overwhelm, or a desire to retreat into a cave until all the things-that-must-be-done magically take care of themselves?

Ask any doctor, Western or otherwise, and they’ll tell you that stress influences all disease. It may be the only thing they agree on, but health practitioners recognize the danger this pressure poses to the balance of the human body.

Okay, so you know this already. Good. That means you are in the position to do something about it. Seeing as you’re reading this in a magazine dedicated to yoga, you probably already know how good yoga and meditation are for relieving stress and anxiety.

But I’ll let you in on a deeper knowing… The most profound healing occurs when you re-connect with your own natural pulsation. This is why yoga and meditation work so well.

This example might help you understand better.

Honouring My Yoga Students

By being my student, you not only give me a chance to share my skills and my interests with you, but you also encourage me to deepen my own wisdom.

Thank you. Each of you.

This is for you.

Kamloops Yoga Student Spotlight

(Cue announcer voice.)

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, there are a few select students I want to shine the spotlight on for a moment of recognition and gratitude. Though I can not name you all, let the celebration of Charlotte, Jo-Anne, Elizabeth, and Brenda be a representation of my celebration of everyone.

(Normal voice may now resume. In case you were wondering.)

These women have been with me from my very first yoga class where they and the other ten students actually gave me a most touching surprise applause at the end! What a welcome as a first time teacher! They have supported my growth, personally and professionally, and cheered me on the whole way.

Let me introduce Charlotte. She’s fire and laughter, nearer 60 than 50, and legendary in my Yoga Boot Camp. By the time I say “Go for a lap” she’s gone, and pretty hard to catch. I want to be like her when I have silver in my hair – that’s shiny silver for FAST, y’all.

Kamloops Local Business Love

Weekly Prizes for Yoga and Fitness Super Students!

Okay, I have to tell you, I’m overjoyed at the generosity of this community. I’ve been asking local Kamloops business owners if they want to donate prizes to encourage my Yoga and Yoga Boot Camp students, and the response has been amazing!

Read about the winners here: Kamloops Yoga Prize Winners

What is Kamloops Local Business Love?

Basically it’s a way to raise awareness of the richness and creativity of this community. Each week I’ll be drawing TWO prizes (one for my yoga class students, and one for my Yoga Fitness Boot Camp students).

Every prize has been given freely by the wonderful people of Kamloops who are dedicated to serving you with their passions and talents. I am grateful to LOVE my own work, and so inspired to be surrounded by lots of other people who work hard to live their dreams.

Find out more about these local businesses in the Prize section below, and please go try them out if you’re drawn to them – no need to wait till you win the prize to go. 🙂

Also – if you’re a local business owner and would like to participate, please contact me.

How Do You Win?

Every time you come to yoga class or show up early in the morning for Yoga Boot Camp, make sure to put your name in the Super Student Bag. I’ll draw the prizes each Friday and post the winners here. (You’ll also be contacted directly if you’ve won a prize.)

The more often you come to class, the more chances you have of your name being drawn. I’ll keep all the names in the bag for the entire month’s draw, and then start over in the next month.

If you’ve never been to my yoga classes, you can start as a beginner at any time.