Lesson Four: Opening to Abundance and Joy

“Happiness is part of who we are.
Joy is the feeling.”
― Tony DeLiso


Abundance and oneness is the nature of the Universe.

We forget this sometimes, falling into the illusions of lack and feeling like there isn’t enough, or we’re not doing enough, or we’re alone in the world.

In yoga this idea of scarcity and separateness is called Anava Mala. The “Malas” are like veils–illusions that often derail our best intentions.

However, when you practice yoga and weave a perspective of Oneness into your life, it is much easier to see past the illusion of lack and isolation into the truth of abundance and joy!

Yes, it definitely helps to open up your physical body and your breath, so that you can receive more feelings of fullness, wholeness, and ease.

Getting on your mat, moving around, and tuning into your breath go a long way in shining a light past the illusions so you can access your heart and brightest experience of spirit.

You can also find a great deal of transformative power in the practice of being open to see the abundance you already have, and finding gratitude here and now. And when you choose the feeling of happiness over the feeling of hardship, life is a whole lot more sparkly!

Here is a message I received along these same lines:

Lesson Number Four:

“The best thing you can do, dear one, is enjoy each moment for what it is. There is enormous wisdom in this. How? By allowing yourself a spaciousness, by releasing the self-induced pressure, by trusting that each moment holds everything you need right now, and that the Universe has everything else covered. Do what comes naturally, and give yourself permission to let go of the struggle so you can show up for the dance!”

Or, to put it another way, open up to your inner child and live in joy and wonder!


The night of April 30th and day of May 1st (Beltane or May Day) is traditionally associated with fertility, abundance, and dance. You might take this time to receive, in your own way, these elements of life’s natural flow.

Quotes inviting Abundance and Joy:

“Keep your best wishes close to your heart and watch what happens”
― Tony DeLiso

“Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.”
― Steve Maraboli

“Today expect something good to happen to you no matter what occurred yesterday. Realize the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits.”
― Sarah Breathnach

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”
― Anthony Robbins

The Yoga of Reciprocity: Brilliant Abundance (Ayni)

There is a concept in Andean culture called “Ayni.”

Ayni is the exchange of reciprocity in every way. It tells us that all is interwoven, and is the central, root principle of the Andean culture.

One of the beautiful things about having this awareness of reciprocity as a foundation to all of life is that it encourages respect, kindness, knowledge, and the blessings that each person has to be shared. Through this sharing, there is not only enough for everyone, but an abundance of goodness and wealth in every sense.

Here’s a quote demostrating the same concept from a great yogi:

“Divine Abundance follows the law of service and generosity. Give and then receive. Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.”  ~ Paramahansa Yoganada

We all want abundance and flow of goodness in our lives. And I know that you likely have this concept in your awareness in many ways.

However, I’d like to draw your attention to another perspective of Ayni or reciprocity that often draws less focus, but can create great abundance of health, happiness, and success in your life.

Perfection and Great Healing in Reciprocity

Just as giving to the world brings those gifts back to you, what you give yourself is what you receive.

Let’s look at this example: say you have an area in your body or life that you are unhappy with. Perhaps there is a physical discomfort or limitation, or perhaps there is a judgement you hold for yourself on some level, be it physical or otherwise.

If you extend feelings of judgment, anger, impatience, or dislike to yourself in any way, these heavy energies show up in what you receive from yourself and can manifest physically.

In contrast, if you practice giving yourself love, kindness, and complete acceptance–espeically those parts of you that have not been receiving these gifts–you will find a great healing occurs in the quality of what you feel and experience in your body and life.

When your focus is to give lovingkindness, joy, compassion, peace, and light to yourself and others, these elements are abundant in your experience.

And what is abundance, truly, if not the physical and energetic manifestations of goodness and freedom?

When you are in right relationship, or balanced reciprocity with the world and yourself, all that you desire comes forth. This includes health, wealth, and fulfillment on every level.