The yoga sanctuary at St. Andrews on the Square (Kamloops, BC)

St. Andrews on the Square. Located at the corner of 2nd and Seymour St., Downtown Kamloops

The energy of a place has a lot to do with the experience you have there.

That said, you can meditate in the middle of a sidewalk, or do yoga in the airport. Been there, done that. It can be fun, an excellent challenge, and an extraordinary practice.

However, the depth of opening and feeling you have access to when you are in an ideal environment
is very meaningful.

St. Andrews on the Square feels like a sanctuary. It feels safe, peaceful, spacious. It has a definite beauty that goes beyond the arched ceilings, stained glass windows and courtyard garden.

The Path of Re-Awakening . . . What Yoga is All About

We are each on our own path.

Your path looks different than mine, yet we are wandering this Earth together, as human beings–bright sparks of spirit who have voluntarily forgotten how incredibly amazing we are so that we can go through the adventure of remembering.

This, to me, is the re-awakening.

It is the realization, that comes in moments and songs and deep breaths and tears and dances, that who you truly are is Divine.

This is what yoga is all about–union, or really, it is RE-union, since we were never truly separate in the first place.

We’re in Mercury Retrograde now, which can make technology, communications, and things like that tricky. But what it does invite willingly is re-lease, re-newal, re-connection, and yes, re-union.

This month the theme I’ll be teaching in my Kamloops yoga classes is “Re-Awakening.”

Perhaps this is always my theme, simply spoken in different ways and woven into other angles of seeing.

The point of so many incredible teachings is to really get you to not just think of yourself as a Spark of Source–which is a challenge because the ego fights it–but to feel, at the heart, from the pure being-ness of who you are, that you truly are Divine.

Tricky, eh?

Yet you aren’t expected to just pick it up in a flash, it’s actually what the entire journey is about. That and enjoying all of the experiences along the way, including nature, loved ones, dance parties, sunsets, chocolate, and numerous detours that somehow point you back to yourself.

As you live, breathe, do, and be, when you practice yoga and when you’re caught up in the whirlwind of life, see how often you get flashes of this remembrance.

The more you tune in, the more you’ll notice those moments where you feel a knowing that goes beyond the mind to your heart–that, yes, you are this beautiful physical form, but you are also so much more, and that your essence is pure, flawless, and truly Divine.

A deep bow to the journey of Re-Awakeing!

Re-Awakening Quotes

“Life gives you exactly what you need to awaken.”
― T. Scott McLeod

“Jesus Christ knew he was God. So wake up and find out eventually who you really are. In our culture, of course, they’ll say you’re crazy and you’re blasphemous, and they’ll either put you in jail or in a nut house (which is pretty much the same thing). However if you wake up in India and tell your friends and relations, ‘My goodness, I’ve just discovered that I’m God,’ they’ll laugh and say, ‘Oh, congratulations, at last you found out.”
― Alan Wilson Watts

“WE ALREADY HAVE everything we need. There is no need for self-improvement. All these trips that we lay on ourselves–the heavy-duty fearing that we’re bad and hoping that we’re good, the identities that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy and the addictions of all kinds–never touch our basic wealth. They are like clouds that temporarily block the sun. But all the time our warmth and brilliance are right here. This is who we really are. We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake.”
― Pema Chödrön

Finding Healing and Wholeness with Yoga

Many traditions and modalities of healing have the approach that by healing, you are returning to your healed state.

This is something that already exists for you, this wholeness that is natural and inherant in all of us. It simply gets forgotten, scattered, twisted, cluttered, and otherwise messed with in ways that manifest as the variety of human pain and disease.

But there are ways to return to this healed state–to reaquaint yourself with the vibration of your true self.

One way I like to think of returning to the healed state of being is to let go of the vibrations that don’t feel good and focus on the ones that do.

Like when I’m in the peaceful presence of trees, I feel good. I naturally let go of stress and contraction, and return to my natural pulsation. That is a vibration of wholeness.

What about you, when and where do you naturally return to that pulsation of peace, joy, and pure being?

Yoga brings healing on many levels.

Celebrating Autumn Equinox AND Fall Yoga Series In Kamloops

Shine fearlessly as who you are. Truth is yours to experience and live.

Okay, Kamloops yoga enthusiasts, I have some WONDERFUL news for you!

But first…

Are you getting my yoga newsletter? If not, be sure to subscribe below so you’re up to date with class and event offerings in Kamloops!

Thursday Night Yoga and Celebrating the Equinox

Thursday Evening Class Starts This Week!

I’m excited to finally be offering an evening yoga class again, and in such a beautiful place! Please join me for the Grand Opening this Thursday night!

Thursday Anusara® Yoga with Katrina from 5:30-6:45pm at St. Andrews (159 Seymour St on the corner of 2nd and Seymour)

-Bring your own mat, blanket, and blocks if you need them
-Bring your friends! Beginners most welcome.

Special Grand Opening Discount for 10 Class Cards: $120 plus HST ($134.40 total, regularly $145.60. Cash or cheque only please.)

Autumn Equinox Celebration: Mantra and Meditation Night

This tree is massive! The trunk is about 8 feet wide.

Wow! Get ready for an incredible night in the truly magnificent acoustics of St. Andrews.

Spicy and Sweet: Yoga Can Be Delicious!

Spicing Up Your Yoga Practice

My all time favourite hot sauces made by my friend Ashif!

Yesterday morning in Yoga Boot Camp a friend of mine, Susy, taught us a blend of Latin Dance, Hip Hop, and fitness. It was a blast, with laughter and smiles all around, bodies moving to irresistible beats. I brought Susy in to spice up the camp, adding another dynamic element into an already outstanding program where every day is different.

Because it’s always fun to do something playful and different.

The same goes for your yoga practice. The variations and variety of possible poses and themes means you can taste a new flavour of yoga each time you come to your mat. Being willing to explore and expand helps you grow at whatever level your practice is at now.

This exploration, getting creative with your practice, brings immense enjoyment and wonder.

It doesn’t have to be through advanced poses either. There are playful and profound ways to