So Close!!! A Sneak-Peak at the Cover of Yoga for Dragon Riders

Wow! Yoga for Dragon Riders is almost ready to publish!

Who knew self-publishing a book would be so much fun… And so much work!

Good thing I love what I do.

For those of you who have been asking me “When’s the book going to be ready?” the answer is, very soon! I hope to actually have the print version of the book ready on my original release date of March 21st. (I had to pick Spring Equinox ’cause that’s how I roll).

The layout is in it’s final, last-minute polishing. The cover is DONE!

All I have to do is send it to the production house and have them get it ready to print, up on their website for purchase, and ready.

I love that Yoga for Dragon Riders is coming out for Spring, because it offers so many practices for self-growth and transformation, which is what Spring is about.

Anyway, I promised you a sneak-peak at the cover so…

Here it is!

Your Essential Nature: An Ocean Meditation

I just spent a week by the ocean in Tulum, Mexico. To me, the ocean is such an incredibly healing presence. It invites a mindful return to the vast, beautiful truth of who you are.

Though I did try to shoot a full yoga practice video for you, it didn’t turn out. However, I have this lovely little meditation for you instead.

The video below guides you through a meditation that calls to your essence, inviting you to attune to nature. Enjoy the waves of your breath as you take a few minutes to meditate.

This meditation calls upon the resonance of the ocean to bring a pure, clear quality of being. With each breath you can become more and more connected to your natural self.

Open to receive each breath as a gift, and you will feel the pure clarity of beauty in every aspect of your being.

Please leave a comment below if you enjoyed this!

Brightest blessings to you.

The Dance Of Breath In Pranayama: Ujjayi Yoga Breath

A large part of Meditation is the dance of breath, and the guiding of breath in Pranayama such as Ujjayi and even breathing, such as in this video, can be a beautiful gateway into a deep state of peace.

Maintaining a beautiful posture or seat in meditation is part of why the practice of asana is such a foundational and integral part of the practice.

So sit beautifully.

Whatever that means for you.

And enjoy your practice.

Ujjayi Pranayama Meditation

10 Easy Ways To Meditate

Photo courtesy of my friend Toshi Kawano
Photo courtesy of my friend, photographer Toshi Kawano

Okay, you know meditation helps you de-stress, find peace of mind, feel happier, and find more balance in your health. But it’s hard! We’re not really conditioned to sit still, nor is your mind interested in emptying itself of the ten thousand thoughts it’s pondering. And where do you find the time?

The good news is that almost everyone who meditates deals with these same challenges, and you can enjoy the benefits of meditation without having to be a master of it. Here are some great tips and ideas to help you get the most out of your meditation practice:

Show Up & Let Go

chakrayogaOne of my first teachers, Shane Perkins, is beloved in my heart for his clear embodiment of unconditional love. He taught me much simply by the way he conducts himself with kindness and integrity at all times.

When speaking on the topic of meditation, Shane summed it all up in these words:

“Show up and let go.”

Show up, as in be present, be aware, be in the here and now. Then let go, meaning release the struggle, let the thoughts float by without attachment, allow the moment to simply be.

Applying this approach to meditation and life can be an ongoing practice, to be sure, but one that is infinitely rewarding. Let’s try it now, shall we?

Mini-Meditation: Show Up and Let Go

Ahimsa: Meditate For World Peace

Afghan-ChildWith all the struggle and war in the world, yoga gives us a method to live well and contribute to the upliftment of the world.

It helps us be courageous when faced with fear, find equanimity in times of struggle, and be empowered when things feel overwhelming.

I’ve posted an article which expands on Ahimsa, the first ethical guideline of yoga. This article on How To Create Peace With Yoga And Meditation and offers an educated view of war and what we can do about it.

You will also find a video of a guided meditation for peace toward the end of the article, which means you can close your eyes and listen rather than reading the words of your meditation today.

Yoga Magic

Orion-Nebula-NASAWe all seek magic. That something special that sparks and dances in our eyes, minds, and hearts.

Yoga can help us find it…

Meditation, asana practice on the mat, mantra (chanting) and other traditional forms of yoga are deeply potent with magic.

Yet there is more – much more – that we often miss in every day life. This is where the practice steps off the mat. This is where our yoga is played out on every level.

Magic awaits…

We look for it in the eyes of others, in the color of the sky, in the soft petals of flowers, in the play of light on water.

We seek it in the whispering of the wind, in the words of teachers and the laughter of children.

You know the thrill of a good story? This is another way we engage magic. The imagination (i-magi-ation – notice the ‘magi’ in there) is such a wonderful tool of creation.

Happiness In Times Of Turmoil

ocean-meditationAre things that bad?

Well, on one hand, yes. There are wars being fought, economies collapsing, governments totally dropping the ball, morally bankrupt corporations that have way too much power, and a very real need to nurture our environment.

On the other hand, there are more people at this time than ever before who are raising their awareness of how we’re all interconnected, and how important it is to act in accordance.

We’ve reached critical mass of positive people; people who are choosing to live in ways that reduce their harm to the earth and others. In fact, we’ve surpassed critical mass. We’re the new wave of global, multi-generational citizens who have decided it is time for change.

“So is it possible to be happy in these chaotic times?” Yes. Definitely.