Maha Shivaratri is here, and so it is a fitting time to go far into the Infinite.
Then again, any moment will do.
This poem is a contribution to the unending number of voices that turn their focus to the divine. It has a likening to Rumi, a tip of the hat to The Fionavar Tapestry, and a soundtrack of hope-bright harmony.
I hope you enjoy it.
The Heart’s Song
The most essential truth of all
Is made of Light
of Fathomless All
wrapped in Oneness
Infinite and Unending in Its expansion.
It is most fragrant at times of awe, love,
beauty, and even sadness.
Sometimes it is fouled by fear scents,
or blown about by the winds of struggle,
but the sacred is always to be found
if you are seeking it.
To breathe is to dance with the sacred,
to move is to explore and expand.
To imagine, delights all that is sacred,
And the universe sparkles on one divine hand.
To be still and pulled into the present,
to breathe and feel and belong in the now,
reminds you that you ARE the sacred;
that you are the singer of the song.
Presence of Gaia by Josephine Wall
It’s funny, I haven’t written poetry in such a long time. It was an incredibly ally in my youth, and then I began to sing and I tend to write songs now instead. Which is also good. 🙂
I did have a time in my life where I would wake up and sit down with a cup of tea and my book of Rumi. And often I am inspired by the prose of authors both humble and well known.
Please let me know in the comments if this has inspired you in any way . . . or better yet, leave some lines of your own poetry to continue the lyric.