3 Steps To Get Back On Track With Kamloops Yoga, Health and Fitness

It’s high Summer in Kamloops. You can tell when you go to the park, watch people crowd on the beach, or realize that half of your friends are camping or otherwise out of town each weekend.

Even though Summer doesn’t technically turn into fall ‘till September 21st, it always seems like the end of August marks the finale of Summer. For this reason, it often feels like August is a bit of a free-for-all.

With all the camping, parties, traveling, and hot summer nights, yoga classes are often pretty empty. It makes me smile, really.

But September is coming.

And with it there is a fresh sweeping feeling that marks the beginning of another school year, and the start of many things.

September invites you to re-assess your priorities and re-commit to the things that are important to you. These might include eating healthy, getting in shape, and doing yoga.

The great thing about September is it brings an excitement that lingers from the anticipation of the start of school, even long after we’ve graduated. You actually WANT to get organized and take care of things. It’s just in the air.

Here are some ideas to help you get your health, yoga, and fitness back on track:

Anusara Yoga Teacher Desirée Rumbaugh Coming to Vancouver!

Desirée Rumbaugh, a humble yet wildly wonderful Anusara® yoga instructor, is coming back to Vancouver September 10-12.

She is internationally celebrated as one of the most skilled and authentic instructors; a woman who can not only enter some of the most advanced postures herself, but who can safely guide others to do the same.

The last time she was in town was very special for me, partially because Des helped me to expand my own practice, and also because I was honoured to assist her for one of the sessions.

If you’re in BC, I highly recommend attending her workshop. Really I can’t say enough good things about her teaching.

For more info on the workshop, check out the YogaPod website: Desirée Rumbaugh Vancouver Workshop

Earth Healing Mantra ~ Om Shri Gaia Ma…

This song was inspired by my deep love and connection to Earth.

It welled up within me, whispering and then singing with awareness of the complete interconnection we all have.

I have climbed to the knees of a giant Douglas Fir Tree and sang this into the moss.

I have stood in the clearest stream of water, illuminated in sunshine. This mantra singing to me from within.


Om Shri Gaia Ma

Purnatva Gaia Ma


Beautiful, Abundant, Benevolent Earth Mother

You Are The FULLEST Perfection

Divine Mother Earth


Denise Holden on Edible Flowers, the Rose, and Sage

flower saladThis post is from my dear friend, Dee Holden. She is a plant intuitive and a great person to learn from when it comes to all things green and good.

Connecting with Plants

Eating flowers is one of my favorite things to do in the Summertime. They share their healing vibrations with us when we eat them. The flowers of these plants are edible: alliums, bee balm, borage, calendula, cornflower, dandelion, johnny jump ups, lavender, lilac, nastursium, pansy, rosemary, wild roses, violets, squash blossoms and sooo sooo many more.

Remember to identify the flower exactly and eat only edible flowers and edible parts of those flowers. Never harvest flowers growing by roadsides or flowers sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals.

Flower salads and calendula pancakes are yummy, healing and certainly beautiful, yet there are also ways to experience the healing effects of the whole plant: heart, body, soul and spirit.

Finding Bliss in the Now

This is a story of finding bliss in an ordinary place. May it inspire you to follow your own bliss, and connect with the truth and oneness within.

This weekend I turned my front porch into a temple.

I brought out most of my crystals and many luxurious fabrics; I created a sanctuary and proceeded to spend the better part of two days there.

I played my guitar, drummed and sang with my djembe. I painted sacred words on stones (more on that later).

I spent a lot of time in meditation and mantra. Sometimes I’d pick up a crystal and just sit, tuning into its vibrations and listening to the message of the moment. Sometimes I would work with energy and intention.

Sometimes I just sat and watched my breath.

One of my companions was the ever present book of poetry by Rumi which lives on the table on my porch. I love to pick it up and open to a random page to see what gift awaits me there.

Fantastic Farmer’s Market Salad with Shiitake Mushrooms

It’s always so delightful to find a new recipe for enjoying salad, especially one that includes the medicinal benefits of shiitake mushrooms!

Shiitake mushrooms are considered one of the most important mushrooms in the East, and are used to boost the immune system and support healing for many conditions.

I get mine from Michael’s Mushrooms at the Kamloops Farmer’s Market, and they are so fresh and delicious!

For many people, the idea of a bunch of lettuce isn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but there are ways to make salad absolutely scrumptious!

In fact, many (possibly most) of my meals at home are different variations of salad. Salad wrap, veggie sandwich, rice or quinoa salad, etc. It’s easy, it’s quick, and SO nutritious.

So here’s my latest creation:

Farmer’s Market Salad with Shiitake Mushrooms

Feeds 2-4 people. Approximately 15 minutes to prepare.

The Yoga of Listening, Retreats, and Letting Go of Anxiety

“Sometimes advanced yoga is doing Legs up the Wall pose when everyone else is doing arm balances.”

This was the sage advice given to me by one of my Anusara yoga instructors during a time where I felt like I was falling apart, but just kept pushing instead of allowing the process to unfold and then pass.

Yet once I’d been given permission, or more accurately, once I’d given myself permission to lay on my back and swing my legs up the wall while the rest of the class was playing on their hands, I realized that is where I needed to be.

And I begun to listen to myself. And the intensity passed, for I was no longer fighting it.

This is an example of something I think so many of us do. We keep pushing and forcing ourselves to do more, not rest – to try to keep up with the break-neck pace of ambition or need in life.

But it doesn’t work. It isn’t sustainable if it’s not sourced from the limitless energy that breathes us and dances in our blood; that energy that dances in everything that is.

When we push ourselves too hard and have unrealistic expectations, often it leads to anxiety, to living in a state of feeling like it’s all too much, or that we’re not good enough. And then all sorts of things can come from that, if left unchecked, including adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, and all manner of stress related physical manifestations.

So what’s the out? How do you shift that feeling of “There is never enough time”?

Healing the Earth: Meditation for the Gulf

My friend, the Smokey QuartzMuch of the world has turned its healing focus on the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. Below is a video where I lead you through a mediation for healing the Gulf, and the earth, as well as brightening your own heart.

The oil spill is a microcosm, showing how detrimental some of our human practices can be, and awakening a massive motivation for change. Using intention and visualization, you can send powerful light to the oceans and the earth – this has been done in many ways and makes a great deal of difference.

This meditation was ‘given’ to me by a great Earth Healer; a giant Smokey Quartz crystal. Crystals contain great wisdom, and this particular crystal is a very powerful healer with depth and far reaching insight.

I asked it to give me something to offer as healing for the Gulf Oil Spill that I could share with you, and yesterday – at dawn on Summer Solstice – I put it on video.

Below the video is the transcript of the meditation I was given.

Healing the Earth: Gulf Oil Spill

Light of Healing in the Gulf of Mexico

I received this message in my email today. I’m not sure where it originates, but I think it’s worth posting. See if you resonate with this message and meditation.

If you meditate on the vision and energy of a Net of Light, as described below, even for a few minutes each day, you will contribute significantly to the healing that is so needed right now.

Though the Grandmothers speak here in an urgent way, there is much hope.

Stay in the light of your heart as you do this work. This light is limitless, boundless, and capable of healing ANYTHING.

Message from the Grandmothers.

The Yoga of Singing From The Heart

When your heart sings, beauty breathes more fully within you and shines brightly all around you.

But to hear the song of your heart, you have to first listen.

Within silence, all sound exists. Every melody and beat is there, waiting for their time – ready to contribute to the dance of life.

You know when you hear or feel a deep truth? It moves you. It hits something far within, maybe bringing tears to your eyes.

The song of your heart comes from truth, from the pure love-light being who you truly are. And every time you pause to tune into your breath, or listen to the call of your spirit, that truth becomes more clear.

Even if you don’t actually like to sing out loud, we each have a beautiful singer within. When you honor yourself by following the path that your soul asks you to take, your own personal song lights up the entire matrix of life that we call the world and universe.

The following video is me singing one of the songs of my heart. The mantra itself came to me in a meditation, and the melody simply appeared one day, birthed out of silence. I hope you enjoy it.