Anusara Yoga: Rocking Ripples Of Light Through 2012 And Beyond

2012-starsEveryone I meet seems to feel it. There’s a sense of urgency at this time in the world. A collective feeling that whatever we do right now has so much impact that our fate is being decided.

At a recent Anusara® yoga training with John Friend, the topic of 2012 came up. There we were rocking with energy and light, working transitions and shifting energy, and since it’s all interconnected it was natural to speak of transformation and shifts on a global level.

2012 is the end of many ancient calendars. Do you feel the crescendo? It’s like we’re at a climax of energies that have been creating friction for ages. I must say I’m very much excited to be alive right now.

Magic In The Earth: Findhorn’s Nature Spirits

findhorn-gardenI was in my local art gallery organic café one day and picked up a curious book published in 1975. It’s called “The Magic Of Findhorn” by Paul Hawken.

Now I’d heard of Findhorn before. I had a preconceived notion of it being a idyllic intentional community and retreat center in Scotland, but I didn’t know much about it.

The book called to me. You know the intuitive pull your heart puts out when something really resonates? That call. So I picked it up, read the first page, and promptly asked my friend who owns the café if I could borrow the book.

Over the next week or so I somehow created time in my silly busy schedule to read the book. I was so totally touched by what I learned that I decided to share some of it here with you.

Show Up & Let Go

chakrayogaOne of my first teachers, Shane Perkins, is beloved in my heart for his clear embodiment of unconditional love. He taught me much simply by the way he conducts himself with kindness and integrity at all times.

When speaking on the topic of meditation, Shane summed it all up in these words:

“Show up and let go.”

Show up, as in be present, be aware, be in the here and now. Then let go, meaning release the struggle, let the thoughts float by without attachment, allow the moment to simply be.

Applying this approach to meditation and life can be an ongoing practice, to be sure, but one that is infinitely rewarding. Let’s try it now, shall we?

Mini-Meditation: Show Up and Let Go

For The Fun Of Yoga

shiva-shaktiOne of the reasons Anusara® yoga is so wildly popular is because we have fun!

Sure, we go deep, we meditate, we ponder things like the meaning of life and how to save the world. We have compassion for tragedy and suffering, and we serve from our hearts to bring more light into the world.

Yet through it all we also laugh, play, interact with each other, applaud people’s new discoveries and make beauty through creative expression in beautiful, empowering poses.

Think about it; you’re much more likely to do something if you’re having fun, right?

Here’s proof that making things fun, even things that require effort, really works! Have you seen this video yet?

Walk The Talk With John Friend

I just came across this excellent video with John Friend, founder of Anusara® yoga. It’s an interview with Waylon Lewis from Elephant Journal in Boulder this past May. The video is fun and really light hearted, yet they touch on a lot of very important, serious topics while having a good time.

Watch The Video To Hear John Speak About:

How To Get On Your Yoga Mat… Even When You Don’t Want To

Sometimes the hardest part of a yoga practice is rolling out the mat and actually starting in the first place.

This video gives you 3 easy ways to get past that lack of motivation into the infinite rewards of practicing yoga.

You’ll like it. Really. There’s chocolate involved. 🙂

  1. Just start doing yoga, wherever you are, however you can.
  2. Bribe yourself, knowingly and kindly, with a treat.
  3. Make your practice a dance of devotion

What motivates you to get on your mat? Please post a comment below and let me know.

Earth Yoga: Greening The Deserts Of The World

This tree is massive! The trunk is about 8 feet wide.
This tree is massive! The trunk is about 8 feet wide.

Yoga is a practice of recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, and skillfully living in harmony. So, naturally, that extends beyond the human family and into the rest of the earth…

I found a new friend today in Audubon Park, behind the zoo in New Orleans’ Garden District. It’s a tree, and a magnificent one at that.

Yes, I consider trees my friends. For one, they breathe us humans and create an environment where we can live. So that’s a practical reason for a grateful relationship.

But beyond that, I admire their beauty and meditative existence. They basically breathe, grow, and drink of water, sunlight and the nutrients in the soil. They are steadfast. Any time I need grounding or need to let go of heaviness, all I have to do is spend a little time with a tree… Meditating under a tree is one of my favorite ways to get centered.

What about you? What aspect of nature do you feel most drawn to?

It’s amazing what is possible when we work with nature, listen to her rhythm, and add symbiotic innovations of human design to more harmoniously co-exist.

Check this out: It is perhaps the most inspiring video I’ve seen in a while!

11/11/11 (November 11, 2009)

world peaceEven if you’re reading this on another day, the teachings offered here can be integrated into every moment and time.

November 11, 2009. This is Remembrance Day in Canada and Veteran’s Day in the US (and very possibly holds significance in other places I’m not aware of – do tell me if you know of any).

Yet beyond these worthy calls to honor those who have served their countries, this day has been given special spiritual significance by those who look at the science of numbers.

According to numerology, 11 is a master number, also known as the psychic’s master number. Here we have three of them in an alignment that has likely never occurred in our lifetimes.

Okay, so what does that mean? Well, after poking around on the web, here’s my simplification of it and suggestion on how to channel the power available here:

Illuminating Tony Robbins

tony-robbinsCan you think of someone who has changed your life with their presence or teachings?

Honor them today.

Personally, I find that my own depth of gratitude and understanding grows every time I take the time to honor the people who have inspired me.

Today I offer you insight from my notes taken while listening to an interview with a man I greatly admire and respect; someone who has changed the lives of millions: Tony Robbins. <= click the link to read the article.

I laugh when I hear Tony speak because so much of what he teaches is in alignment with the philosophy of Anusara® yoga and other schools of living with integrity and joy.

Spiritual Practice In The Most Bizarre Places

halloween-anusaraPicture this: It’s Halloween night in New Orleans. Downtown is throbbing with music, laughter, costumes and a penetrating ‘ting’ of one elf looking creature walking along as if in meditation.

Yep, that would be me. Complete with forest green cloak and a bit of petrified wood in my hair. This is the story of my fantastically weird night out in the wilds of the French Quarter, and how I brought light into even the darkest places.